
county council 郡議會。

county council school

Therefore , a speaker position actually serves as a platform , for role functions , that decides the positive or negative interactive relationships between the government and the council and the smooth or disturbed implementations of the local public affairs . this study aims at exploring an analyzing the job specification and role functions of a council speaker in the relationships between the local government and council through four facets : legislative case review and resolution , financial budget review , hearing and interrogations , and conflicts between government and council , taking taoyuan county council as an example 文中采用靜態的文獻分析法、比較研究法以及動態的深度訪談法、參與觀察法,以期周延;并從理論、法規與實務上進行研究,兼顧法制與實作面之探討;再輔佐以桃園縣府會關系之現況觀察及實地體驗,加以交互印證訪談結果所得資料之可信度,從而提出具體可行之建議,作為相關決策與修法之參考,并有助于未來桃園縣府會之間的良性互動。

An employment tribunal found 1 , 771 women , employed by cumbria county council , were paid less than men doing the same job . it ruled they should have been paid higher wages or bonuses since the early 1990s 據鏡報日前報道,根據法庭調查結果,由英國坎布里亞郡郡議會雇傭的1771名女工的薪水比從事相同工種男性的薪水要少。

The extension was granted planning permission by fingal county council last april , but was appealed to an bord plean la by ryanair and the portmarnock community association 擴建項目的規劃許去年四月可得到了fingal郡議會的批準,但ryanair航空公司和portmarnock社區協會向規劃委員會提出了上訴。

Announcing the changes yesterday , south dublin county council also said that the upgrade of the n4 interchange with the m50 in dublin would be completed within 10 weeks 在昨天宣布交通改變的時候,南都柏林郡議會還說, n4同m50在都柏林出入口的升級工作將在10周內完成。

Distinguished guests who attended included penghu county council speaker liu chen zhao - ling and mayor wang qian - fa of magong city 澎湖縣議長劉陳昭玲女士和馬公市長王乾發先生,特別撥冗參加靈性講座。

It was only recognised when taken to a open evening held by the archaeology department of lincolnshire county council 林肯州議會考古部門一致認可只有在空曠的晚上時候才拿著瓶子。

Tung hsiang , speaker of the chiayi county council 嘉義縣議會議長董象先生

Lin hsun - yi , member of the chiayi county council 嘉義縣議會議員林順益先生

Wu ssu - jung , member of t he chiayi county council 嘉義縣議會議員吳思容女士